Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Computer lab assingment

1.) My favorite book would probably have to be Harry Potter and The chamber Of Secrets. I think most of you have probably either watched the movie or read the book but this is my favorite book because I really enjoy the whole story line and it is very exciting to read and keep me wanting to know more but it was really cool to see J.K. Rowling describe the giant snake.

2.) Well recently today I was reading the current Sports Illustrated and a article about the closing of Yankee Stadium. These last weeks of baseball will be the last for probably the greatest and most historic stadium of 21st century. I was very intrigued by the story and it showed about 25 of some of the greatest memories in sports that have happened there and I will be sad to see them stop playing there and they will be tearing it down after the season.,963&sigr=124qnn491&sigi=120he02ji&sigb=134ps9j95

3.) My favorite quote would probably have to be the letter that Hallie sends to Codi on (224). I like the whole letter because it shows that Hallie is telling codi that she needs to stop depending on Hallie and has to stop feeling sorry for herself.
My favorite character might have to be Codi because you feel sorry for her that so many things have gone wrong in her life but then you just want to get mad at her because she keeps complaining about her life but wont really do anything about it.
Finally one of the most important parts of the book might be when Loyd is talking about how he was super close to his twin and then he suddenly died. well i think this is an important part because is really forshadows that hallie will probably die later inf the story.


J Connor R said...

hey thanks for letting me know about that it was realy good reading

Bears said...

I also like Harry Potter but my favorite book in the series is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Brett S said...

It's going to be weird with the Yankee's in a new stadium.

Yara S said...

I had also chosen a quote from Hallie's note. good choice in quote selection.

sullylax02 said...

thanks for this article i new they are getting a new stadium but i did not know what they where going to do with this one thanks jason